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For All Subject Teachers

How to Build Enthusiasm in the Classroom: Any Subject, Any Year Level

Waverley College Director of Curriculum Charlotte Stevens is also a teacher of Year 5 boys.  This energetic, growing bunch provides her a litmus test on whether a programme is working in the school.  When Stevens’ classroom of Year 5s are working in Writer’s Toolbox, she sees all the signs of success in both their attitude and their written results.  Stevens says, “They’re excited by Writer’s Toolbox.  The programme supports their development of writing, sentence structure, grammar, and the overall quality of writing has improved.” 


The success is apparent throughout the school.  Stevens was overjoyed to find a writing system that works across all ages and subjects.  In older year levels, Writer’s Toolbox covers all subject areas, including specialised subjects like Business Studies and Science.  No matter what path the student takes, Writer’s Toolbox has locked in the literacy skills they require to achieve highly in their HSC.

“Writer’s Toolbox supports the development of writing, sentence structure, grammar, and the overall quality of student writing has improved.”