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For All Subject Teachers

A Win-Win Solution for Teachers and Students

Three years ago, St Joseph’s Nudgee College onboarded Writer’s Toolbox with a goal to improve student’s literacy.  That goal has been realised as Principal Peter Fullagar relates:


"Nudgee College is a Catholic all boys school, home to 1680 boys across Year 5 to Year 12.  We’ve been here since 1891.  We have a really diverse group of boys from different backgrounds, with a diverse range of learning needs.  Whether it’s boys or girls—in our case it’s boys—our concern is to try and improve their literacy level.  To try and improve their capacity to write clearly and concisely."


Since commencing the Writer’s Toolbox programme in 2019, St Joseph’s Nudgee College has seen an improvement in the learning outcomes of our students.


"For the boys themselves, it’s given them some building blocks to write upon," says Fullagar.  "In using that framework, they have greater confidence in their capacity to write.  Out of that confidence they have really started to enjoy the writing process.  They're a lot more animated about what they do in writing, there is a sense of fun."


Writer's Toolbox has a provided a framework for St Joseph’s teachers to assist students to engage with their writing.  It has given teachers and students a common sense of purpose and a common language.  Fullagar agrees it's a 'win win' for boys and their teachers.

"There's been an increase in writing output–written assessment pieces are more concise and cohesive."