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Comprehensive, innovative, effective

Writer’s Toolbox is the complete writing system. Every student, every teacher, every subject—it’s all built in. Discover the features of Writer's Toolbox.

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What’s the secret to engaging students, increasing their writing skills, supporting teachers, and achieving radically improved results across your whole school: Writer's Toolbox. We’re revolutionising student writing outcomes across the world.

Diagnostic Testing

Comprehensive writing data allows school leaders and teachers to make better educational decisions.  Our tailored diagnostic test—designed by Writer’s Toolbox founder Dr Ian Hunter—helps track student writing across your school.  Students complete a 20-minute writing task; we mark and analyse it for a range of accuracy and composition skills.  Then we break down their results in a detailed report.  We tell you where students are at versus where they should be.  And better than that, give you specific interventions to improve results.

Diagnostic Testing

AI and Education

Learn how our AI advances students abilities, without doing the work for them.  Based on the latest neuroscience and learning theory, Writer’s Toolbox AI is the result of highly-trained educators, with decades of teaching experience, and a longitudinal study consisting of tens of millions of sentences.  The intelligent AI supports both teachers and students, delivering real-time feedback and improving student writing at the moment it’s needed.

AI student classroom sentence graph

The Learning Journey

The heart of our developmental writing programme, Learning Journey is the map to success.  Students are guided through an engaging visual map, discovering lively videos and mastering writing skills, while completing interactive quizzes, challenges, and activities along the way.  Students can track their progress and set goals to challenge their skills.  Teachers can set individual or class learning to create a meaningful plan for each student and class.  With thousands of individual activities created by senior educators, each module is scoped and sequenced, creating a differentiated learning program at the student’s writing level.

Learning Journey tablets with modules and maps

Every Subject Supported

Support quality writing across any subject area with Writer’s Toolbox.  Discover how Task Builder allows you to create localised, relevant activities—matching your subject and year level.  Then, collaborate across classrooms and year levels to create a suite of unique, engaging tasks in a flash.  Our comprehensive tool keeps students engaged, everything they need to complete a task is in one interactive environment.

Task Builder Every Subject supported

Better Writing Data; Smarter Decision Making

Writer’s Toolbox offers laser-like insights to student writing abilities never before possible.  Set measurable goals, instantly see where intervention is needed, and track results at individual, class, year and school level.  With powerful data at your fingertips, leaders can track leading indicators and make informed educational decisions, fast.  Then, easily share your successes with your school community.  It’s all right there—easily accessible—with Writer’s Toolbox.

Better Data Graphs and Performance Statistics

"A win-win solution for students and teachers."

Peter Fullagar, Principal, St Joseph's Nudgee College